PhD in Digital Media (University of Porto). Design lecturer at Lusófona University; School of Fine Arts, University of Porto; and ESAP. Her research is focused on the recovery of community stories and local art and design stories through biographical testimonies and visual analysis, with FCT funded projects such as: An Infodemic of Disorientation; Echoing the Communal Self; Wisdom Transfer (under which she developed a post-doc project on the first pedagogical practices of Design at the School of Fine Arts of Porto). She is currently coordinating the research REMIND: Design for People with Dementia, in which pedagogical practices are being developed in partnership with Alzheimer Portugal. She has coordinated national and international events including conferences, symposia, seminars, exhibitions and workshops; and developed pedagogical projects in partnership with museums including Tate Modern, Soares dos Reis National Museum and the WOW Museum focusing on the interpretation of works of art from past generations through digital media. Ciência Vitae