Bibiana Oliveira Serpa
Bibiana Oliveira Serpa is designer, researcher and educator based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where she is a PhD candidate in Design at ESDI/UERJ. She is an organized feminist militant and a social educator at the Universidade Livre Feminista, a popular education initiative focused on promoting political education among women belonging to social movements in Brazil. Her research interests associates participatory design approaches to politicization actions within social movements and seeks to understand ways for an engaged design practice having as reference popular education and anti-racist and anti-capitalist feminism. She has experience in participatory projects and design for community emancipation in different locations in Latin America. She works as co-editor of the Spanish-Portuguese International Journal of Engineering, Social Justice and Peace which is part of a latin-american network engaged with popular technology and local development. She is a founding member of Design and Oppression Network.